Careers Counselling

Helping students make decisions about their life beyond school

At Camberwell Grammar School, students begin preparing for a life beyond school through the subject ‘Personal and Social Development’, which commences in Year 9 and includes a unit on ‘Careers’. Vocational guidance tests are used to profile students in order to ascertain interests and provide direction in their decision making.

All Year 9 boys undertake a morning of Occupational Health and Safety training to prepare for a week of Work Experience, which takes place midway through Year 10. This is followed by a specially designated Careers Day, where students share and reflect upon their individual work experiences with their peers. It also provides a starting point for the process of VCE subject selection, where students are encouraged to spend time exploring jobs, formulating career goals and creating an electronic Careers Portfolio, outlining student interests and achievements to date.

Individual careers counselling occurs under the supervision of a trained careers practitioner. Students are guided in subject selection and in navigating the various tertiary options and pathway opportunities available. All Year 12 students are offered specific assistance in making tertiary applications.

Each year an annual Careers Night is held where various alumni are invited to address students on the nature of their employment. This is complemented by a series of lunchtime talks from various tertiary education representatives and former students.

Parents receive updates about careers information through DEEDS whilst student information is also distributed through the DEEDS and in the classroom. In addition, information evenings are held to convey relevant careers material to parents and students throughout the academic year.

Further information on careers can be found on the School’s Careers Website: